Here’s What Went Down In 2019
Hello! I know it’s been a long time since my last blog. I don’t even know how to start this nor even remember how to write anymore, but I truly missed this. Whoa okay, so I took a break and step back from social media and stopped blogging in the last quarter of 2019 because I feel like I got suffocated by my own goals and deadlines of all the things that I wanted to do. My checklist were getting longer and it’s just starting to get crazy for me. While I was away, I spent more time with my family and my boyfriend. I have also tried to learn new things. And it was really fun! 🙂
I just thought that it’s not too late for me to look back on some moments last year before telling new stories on my blog and going on a new adventures in the start of a new decade. So here’s a few out of so many things that went down in 2019. Besides, everything– small or big, are worth celebrating.
I started the year as freelancer.
This is probably one of the biggest risk that I did for my career. I left an 8-hour paying job to pursue graphic designing, a hobby that I didn’t have any idea how to start back then. It wasn’t easy, but I was happy that I get to see it growing for the entire year. From acquiring new knowledge in line with that hobby to meeting clients of my own, it’s very challenging and overwhelming for me. And as I ventured into a new journey, I was surprised to learned so many stuff, then eventually found myself getting addicted to learning more.

I started building a clean and more organized portfolio for all my digital and print designs and called it MK Studio. Also, I created an instagram account for easy access w/ my clients and I’m just really happy that it’s now up and running. You can check it out here. I feel so blessed with all the current projects lining up today. It’s doing so well. I will work hard even more.
Celebrated 1st Anniversary w/ my LDR boyfriend
I don’t talk much about my personal relationship online because I started to like the sincerity that a privacy can give. But it isn’t bad to post a few. So yeah, my LDR boyfriend and I celebrated our first year together. This relationship honestly didn’t start good, but I like how we have closely grown together while growing separately as individual. Now I could pretty say that we’re able to build a stronger foundation from all the challenges we had able to surpassed so far and we will continue to reach our dreams.
All the side trip in the province of Negros
A breather I never thought I needed. My Negros experience has reminded me of how much I like being out there– in the sea and in places I have visited for the first time. I almost forgot how freeing it is to see the world and experience it until my Negros Experience happened because I’ve been working so hard. Although it was purely a trip to visit my nephew and take him home with me, I never expected to be able to explore and see places in the province of Negros that I would always remember.
The Siargao Island Adventure
How can I ever forget Siargao Island? I had a couple of posts about it– about how I have fallen inlove to its nature and wanted to become one of its locals. I know that this island is loved by many people. Some even decided to stay for good and I couldn’t blame them because I understand how it feels to be there. The island would like take a part of ourselves, but it isn’t something that makes you feel incomplete. I love Siargao being Siargao and I love that I left a part of me there.
My chickenpox virus infection experience
Now, this is the main reason why I don’t feel like doing anything the past few months even writing an update about the microneedling treatment for my scars. I was dealing with a post anxiety and depression after severe chickenpox infection and there were really days when things just become unbearable for me. I mean, I try, honestly, to keep everything going on a positive note, to work hard, and to understand everything & anything. But thankfully, I have overcome it.
Here’s an update of the microneedling treatment. The last one I had was last November and I haven’t had undergone a session anymore since then.

First family travel in Siquijor
We don’t get to travel a lot as family that’s why it’s one of the highlights of my 2019. But it was a very exhausting one. Because it’s only a one night and a day trip. We had a day tour on the same day we arrived and we didn’t get enough rest, then we packed up early the next day and went home. All the places we visited that day just kind of flashes by so quickly. It almost feels like a dream to me and I woke up on my bed w/ salty hair.
Good thing though, I also did my first vlog in Siquijor but I was so shy to speak in front of the camera on public so it turned out to be a film-me-while-walking kind of video. LOL! You can watch it here.

A lot of things has happened in 2019 actually, like my Papa entering to seniorhood and my first time to enjoy family reunion. But that pretty much it! I will try to write more entries as much as possible for 2020. Hopefully, I wouldn’t get lazy because I can’t even write on my journal (I have a diff one where I write mostly of what has happened every single day LOL).
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! Claim this year as your year and tap yourself for getting through another decade. Cheers to more and keep fighting! ♡♡♡
Now, how are you and what is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think about 2019?
Aww, to more success for your business!! ?
Btw, will it be fine to ask how much the scar treatment was per session?
Heyyy thank youuu, Amielle! 🙂 Yes of course, umm, i don’t know sa other clinic but from where I’ve had it treated, it’s 1,500 per session.
We are so back in blogging this 2020! Nawala rin ako for a couple of months late last year. So glad I’m seeing a new post from you na! 🙂
HIIII OMGGG! YES WE ARE! Idk why I got so excited to see you here again 😀 HAHA I miss youu and I miss writing and syempre reading your blog. Nagcheck ako sa blog mo agad eh and omg I am so happy that you are posting a lot na again :)) parehas talaga tayong nawala that’s why I follow you narin on IG. Alam mo, I feel like I’d be writing more this year (kung hindi tamadin) Sobrang malaking tulong yung internet break sakin talaga eh 😀
Oohh!! Have to check my IG. Hahaha. Push natin ‘tong pagsusulat ulit this year. It inspires me knowing people who somehow feels the same and yet keeps on moving!